Get ahead on your holiday baking! Try this bulk all butter crust that will keep in the freezer until you're ready.

My gift to you!
I use this recipe for my gourmet holiday desserts, but that's not all. This flaky pastry is perfect for hand pies, pot pies, ice box pies or whatever else you tend to fill up your pie shell. Give this 5-10 minute recipe a try in your down time, before you do grab a few tools you might be missing in your kitchen linked in the pictures below ⤵️
The Recipe...
All-Purpose Pie Crust
Yields at least four 9" pie crusts
1lb 6oz AP Flour
2 tsp Salt
18oz Unsalted Butter -cubed & chilled
8oz Ice Water
A few things to keep in mind...
This particular dough will be slightly "wetter". Just know that's by design. Be sure to work the mixture until it just comes together. The striation of small pats of butter is perfect 👍
Before rolling out your crust, generously flour your work surface to insure nothing sticks. BUT you don't want clumps of flour anywhere on your finished bake, so brush off all excess flour before winning your baking tin.
You can use this recipe for both sweet and savory applications. I recommend making a pot pie with Thanksgiving leftovers 🤙
No need to blind bake this boy, just adjust your pie's position to the bottom rack about 2/3rds of the way through the designated cook time.
Don't forget to brush your top crust with either egg wash or cream, sugar or herbed salt for that perfect golden brown finish👌
That's it, for now!
I hope you find this recipe useful. If so comment, pass it along or share on social media and tag me, @chefbflint or @bzzboxes! As always, eat well my friends 🫶🏽
